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The best way to deal with self-doubt, overthinking, and doubt in the future, is to make space for it and understand that you are worthy of love. You don't need to find a “perfect boyfriend or girlfriend” to be happy: loving yourself means being your own kind of person. This can be done by accepting and understanding yourself, appreciating your strengths, and learning from your mistakes. Here are some steps to get started and understand what actual self-love is!    1. Stop comparing your life to others. A lot of people feel like they are not good enough, don't have what it takes, or aren't doing enough. Instead of making excuses for not meeting standards and expectations, compare yourself to others who do - you're just as capable - you are successful - you've made good friends - have you had a job that is great work and pays well - what did your parents say about you? We all do better than others and there's no shame in admitting this fact. As long as we take ou